Monday, March 31, 2014

No more spring break

Spring break is now over and school is back in session. For me, this means endless classes and bad lunch food. For Leia, it means no more playtime and lots of time in her cage.

Luckily, Easter is almost here and lots of bunny stuff can be found in stores!

P.S. Bunnies don't really lay eggs.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bunny Stool

A bunny's poop is an excellent way of knowing how healthy your bunny is. A good bunny owner occasionally examines their bunny's poop and knows what is healthy and what is not. The chart above describes the different types of bunny poop.

Spring Break!

Two more days until spring break! I am so excited.

Leia and I will go to the beach everyday!

what will you guys be doing during spring break? And those of you who have class, how will you balance your schedule? I'm dying to know!

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I have crocheted a green headband which I plan to wear in order to avoid being pinched!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze

This poem, written by Arthur Sullivan and W.S Gilbert for The Mikado, is currently my favorite poem. It has a nice aura to it. Everyone should check it out! 

The sun, whose rays
Are all ablaze
  With ever-living glory,
Does not deny
His majesty--
   He scorns to tell a story!
He won't exclaim,
   "I blush for shame,
   So kindly be indulgent."
But, fierce and bold,
In fiery gold,
   He glories all effulgent!

I mean to rule the earth,
   As he the sky--
We really know our worth,
   The sun and I!

Observe his flame,
That placid dame,
   The moon's Celestial Highness;
There's not a trace
Upon her face
   Of diffidence or shyness:
She borrows light
That, through the night,
   Mankind may all acclaim her!
And, truth to tell,
She lights up well,
   So I, for one, don't blame her!

Ah, pray make no mistake,
   We are not shy;
We're very wide awake,
   The moon and I!

Friday, March 14, 2014


I didn't know this a real thing, I'm so sorry.

It is called leporiphobia.

This actually happened. Wow.

Again, I am very sorry Ms. Dixon. I didn't mean to scare you.

Having a job is making me fat

I have recently been employed at the cutest, most amazing fast food restaurant ever!

Although I am really happy and proud of myself, there is something that has begun to bother me. I have begun eating way too much.

I no longer have to ask my mom for money to buy ice cream, chips, or other foods that are clearly not good for me. Now, I simply buy it myself.

This is the sort of independence that requires a level of responsibility and self control that I don't seem to have yet.

What's worst is that at my break, I am always offered free food (by my employer and other people at the food court) and there is no possible way to say no.

I'm sure I will eventually have to have an intervention of some sort with my fellow coworkers and ask them to keep me from eating them out of business.