Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why you should bring a bunny on a date

I don’t really date but if I did, I would be extremely disappointed if said person did not totally melt when they met Leia. She is the embodiment of all that is sweet and loving. In fact, most bunnies are.
First dates (from what I’v seen in movies) are usually uncomfortable and stressful. And we all know that every stressful and uncomfortable situation is made right with a bunny.
Let me explain.

First date without a bunny

First date with a bunny

A bunny will give you something to talk about during those awkward, silent moments. You can even talk to the bunny. I do it all the time and I promise, it’s not weird.
Bunnies also do all sorts of kooky things that will make your date laugh liiiiiiiiiike…

Tickle your date’s armpit

Alan's face has been obscured to protect his identity.
If you simply cannot bear to face your first date alone, bring along a bunny friend!
Best case scenario: they will find your pet absolutely wonderful and think you are the coolest person ever.
Worst case scenario: it simply will not work out.


  1. this is really cool especially since you drew it and your bunny is really cool

  2. You're very creative and your page is super cute! I agree that bunnies super adorable. Nice Blog :)

  3. I love your posts! Bunnies are very sweet, until they get mad at you. Then you have to avoid stepping on raisins.
