Monday, March 31, 2014

No more spring break

Spring break is now over and school is back in session. For me, this means endless classes and bad lunch food. For Leia, it means no more playtime and lots of time in her cage.

Luckily, Easter is almost here and lots of bunny stuff can be found in stores!

P.S. Bunnies don't really lay eggs.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bunny Stool

A bunny's poop is an excellent way of knowing how healthy your bunny is. A good bunny owner occasionally examines their bunny's poop and knows what is healthy and what is not. The chart above describes the different types of bunny poop.

Spring Break!

Two more days until spring break! I am so excited.

Leia and I will go to the beach everyday!

what will you guys be doing during spring break? And those of you who have class, how will you balance your schedule? I'm dying to know!

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I have crocheted a green headband which I plan to wear in order to avoid being pinched!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze

This poem, written by Arthur Sullivan and W.S Gilbert for The Mikado, is currently my favorite poem. It has a nice aura to it. Everyone should check it out! 

The sun, whose rays
Are all ablaze
  With ever-living glory,
Does not deny
His majesty--
   He scorns to tell a story!
He won't exclaim,
   "I blush for shame,
   So kindly be indulgent."
But, fierce and bold,
In fiery gold,
   He glories all effulgent!

I mean to rule the earth,
   As he the sky--
We really know our worth,
   The sun and I!

Observe his flame,
That placid dame,
   The moon's Celestial Highness;
There's not a trace
Upon her face
   Of diffidence or shyness:
She borrows light
That, through the night,
   Mankind may all acclaim her!
And, truth to tell,
She lights up well,
   So I, for one, don't blame her!

Ah, pray make no mistake,
   We are not shy;
We're very wide awake,
   The moon and I!

Friday, March 14, 2014


I didn't know this a real thing, I'm so sorry.

It is called leporiphobia.

This actually happened. Wow.

Again, I am very sorry Ms. Dixon. I didn't mean to scare you.

Having a job is making me fat

I have recently been employed at the cutest, most amazing fast food restaurant ever!

Although I am really happy and proud of myself, there is something that has begun to bother me. I have begun eating way too much.

I no longer have to ask my mom for money to buy ice cream, chips, or other foods that are clearly not good for me. Now, I simply buy it myself.

This is the sort of independence that requires a level of responsibility and self control that I don't seem to have yet.

What's worst is that at my break, I am always offered free food (by my employer and other people at the food court) and there is no possible way to say no.

I'm sure I will eventually have to have an intervention of some sort with my fellow coworkers and ask them to keep me from eating them out of business.

Pi Day

Happy Pi Day, fellow bloggers!

Next year, Pi Day will be the best ever! It will fall on 3/14/15 and the first five digits of Pi are 3.1415. Can't wait!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Reasons why Napoleon Dynamite is possibly the best movie ever made

7. The movie has a very timeless feel to it. The year it is supposed to take place is never mentioned or implied. They've got internet but dress as if they were imported from the 80's. This movie have take place at any moment in the past 30 years, making it likable to people of all ages.

6. The Napoleon Dynamite soundtrack is one of the most quirky and upbeat movie scores I have ever heard. It's also easily distinguishable. Every time you hear it, you will think "Napoleon Dynamite".

5. Moon Boots

4. Lafawnduh and Kip

4. Vote for Pedro t-shirts

3. There is no swearing, gross innuendo, or nudity. It's a campy family movie that is funny and witty at the same time. Very rare.

2. Kip Memes

1. Coolest dance scene ever:

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day

A poem for Leia

Hey there little bunny
You smell like oats and honey
Today you are my valentine
Because you don't have a choice

You will watch Napoleon Dynamite with me
Then ill make you listen to me sing
Sounds great, doesn't it?
Happy Valentine's Day

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Why is Leia cute?

There's no denying it; Leia is cute. In fact, most small animals are perceived as cute.

Have you ever wondered why? Why do we "aww" when we see kitties play fighting but cringe at the sight of a cockroach?

The reason is, all these small innocent-looking creatures remind us of our potential offspring.

The resemblance is uncanny.

What is "cute"?
A creature with a small body size in comparison to its head, large eyes and soft facial features
***Like a baby

What happens when we see something cute?
We become instinctively protective and nurturing over things that remind us of babies 
  • may be more common among women who have not yet reached menopause (as indicated by an experiment conducted by Sprengelmeyer)
  • Triggered by things that resemble babies

Cute things cause the nucleus accumbens to release dopamine

Cute things induce the same reactions that cocaine does

How can we be cute like Leia for the rest of our lives?
It's not that hard, we just have to look like babies for the rest of our lives.

Better explanation than mine:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dear Ms. Turner-Dixon

I don't know why this is here
Whenever you allow us to blog in class, I find myself unable to since I've got all my blogging material on my computer.

This blog post is for you. It is something I can do in class. I like your earrings today, they are very pretty. I also like this class, its a nice class to start off my morning.

I was contemplating bringing my bunny to school today so you can meet her. I promise you'll meet her at some point.

I really hope you enjoy your long weekend. I hope you sleep a lot, get to watch all of your favorite shows, and eat your favorite food. After all, that is what consists of a great weekend.
Stay fabulous,
Dayana :)

P.S. Please don't be angry
P.S.S. There are hearts all over the place and I don't know why. I blame my phone

Monday, January 13, 2014

Happy Birthday, Leia

Leia and her birthday cake
On January 12, 2012, Leia came into my life in the form of a tiny, gray, fur-ball.

Yesterday was her birthday and while she did not get many presents, she received tons of love and saltine crackers from her humans.

Yesterday was my birthday as well but it doesn't count, since they spelled my name wrong on my birthday cake. I demand another one!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

On a serious note... Animal Shelters

In a previous post, I mentioned how I am an active volunteer at an animal shelter. Contrary to popular belief, animal shelters aren't sad, melancholy places that play Sarah McLachlan music all day. The animals there are some of the sweetest and most loving I have ever met. Most of them are simply grateful to be off the streets and to be receiving at least 2 meals per day.

As much as I admire the work that everyone at the animal shelter puts into getting everyone adopted, I don't think they can do it alone. I occasionally visit on weekdays, when I am the only volunteer there, and notice that there are never any people socializing with the animals. Why does this matter? Well, when potential adopters do walk by the dog rooms, the dogs begin barking and trying to get attention. This makes the animals look poorly behaved and hinders their chances of getting adopted.

I must also stress the fact that 98% of the animals at the animal shelter are toilet trained and are not aggressive towards humans. When buying a brand new puppy from a breeder, it's pretty much a shot in the dark when it comes to the dog's personality and train-ability. Most dogs at animal shelters are done growing (which helps avoid unexpected growth spurts.) Sure, puppies are cute but they will only be cute for a couple months, after that they will look like every other dog.

As far as cats go, they are simply cats. I love them to death but I have yet to figure them out. They all have extremely different personalities but they all want two things: food and occasional cuddling (not too different from your ex-boyfriend.) There is nothing more rewarding than to have a cat look at you with gratitude and have them lick you with there sandpaper tongue.

Like the dogs, most cats are litter-box trained and in need of a forever home. Most dogs at the animal shelter live in a room smaller than my bathtub and only get taken out 2-3 times a day for bathroom breaks (which must be quick due to limited staff and lots of dogs.) I am a firm believer that dogs should have room to run around and exercise regularly but this is simply not possible at a shelter.

Next time you, or someone in your family is looking for a pet to love, please please please please please please please go to a shelter before you go to any breeder or pet store. It is also nice to know that all of the animals are spayed/neutered, micro-chipped, and vaccinated. This will save tons of money.

If this post still doesn't convince you to adopt from an animal shelter then maybe this will.

In the aaaaaarms of the aaaaaangel *sniffle*

Animal Shelter

As a volunteer at the animal shelter, I am required to play with all the dogs and cats in the building. 

I don't complain.

I adore playing with the kitties and dogs; they are the sweetest.

By the time I get home, I am almost always wearing a cat-hair sweater.

And dog fur perfume.

Which doesn't make Leia too happy.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Day 12: They still don't know I'm a bunny

We are now in 2014.

We are 6 days into the New Year.

This is my first day of school in the New Year.

Christmas was 12 days ago.

Leia still thinks she is a Christmas present.

Happy New Year everyone!