Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Saxophone

Since like forever, I have been begging my mom for a saxophone. I used to play bassoon but I'd have to sell my entire family's kidneys in order to buy one of my own, so saxophone was the next best thing.

Needless to say, I am extraordinarily excited! I love my saxophone and have even learned a couple songs.

I think I'm pretty up to par with Kenny G. Leia seems to think so as well.

The most promising thing this video has shown me is that I have the saxophone-playing double-chin in the bag. That's the first step towards becoming the David Gilmour of saxophone.

This girl knows what I'm talking about

She has since decided to write her own book series to help other bunny/saxophone enthusiasts reach their maximum potential.

Even though was shot with a potato and it was edited on Windows 95 Moviemaker, I am extremely proud of it and of my saxophone.

I pinky-promise that I will get better and if I ever decide to put up another video, the music will not sound like a bunch of gobbledygook

The songs played in this video were
1. Mary Had a Little Lamb
2. Jolly Old St. Nicholas
3. Old McDonald (or as I repeatedly called it, Farmer Song)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Parry Gripp is my soulmate

About a year ago while browsing YouTube, I came across Parry Gripp's channel. He has a multitude of videos about bunnies as well as other animals and other funny stuff.

I googled him and found out he is actually a singer/songwriter who writes children's songs and those funny songs you hear in Hallmark cards. But I don't care his job or his personality or... anything, really. All I care about is that he writes beautiful, beautiful songs.

I am not ashamed to say that I sing this very often. It's so catchy!

My mental relationship with P.G only strengthened when I heard his catchy Bun Bun Bunny Bun song. This one can get a little annoying (according to my sister. What does she know?) but it is so cute.

These are not the only bunny songs on his channel.

It would be impossible for him to write and record bunny songs if he did not have some sort of affinity for bunnies, right?

Hehe in reality, he is probably an 80 year old grandfatherly person.

No matter what, I will always think he makes great music.

This is one deep song...

I'm a sloth

I do this thing in my head, where I decide what animal a person would be if we were not humans.

Mostly, I keep these opinions to myself but I feel it is important to recognize the fact that I am about the slothiest person I have ever met.

If reincarnation is a thing when we die, I'm 150% positive that I will become a sloth.

Reasons why I'm a sloth (according to National Geographic):
1. They are the slowest animals on earth
     - I was always the slowest in my P.E classes
2. They move very slow to avoid predators
     - I avoid people
3. They are clumsy on land but are good swimmers
     - I like swimming
4. They live in the tropical forests of South America
     - My mom is Colombian
5. They have facial coloring that makes them look like they are always smiling
     - I smile at everything

In my sloth word, these are my favorite sloth movies.

This is the absolute best. With or without sloths

King Sloth?
R.I.P Paul Slother

This happens to me regardless. But it would be a lot funnier if I were a sloth.

Because sloths are funnier than people.

 In my sloth world, the head of our sloth church is Pope Slothifer.

I would have a bunny boyfriend because even as a sloth, I love bunnies.
"We are so cute!"

 Sloths stand for the most beautiful things.

I'm proud to say I feel very in touch with my inner sloth.

I believe everyone should find personality animal.
I know it sounds weird but once you research an animal and you're like "That's me!" its the coolest thing ever. I suggest everyone tries it.

No matter how silly it might seem.

Live Slow, Die Whenever.


I introduce to you, dear reader: Leia in her natural habitat.

The creature sometimes enjoys pretending she is a pillow. This sometimes confuses her humans because she is soft and fluffy, much like a pillow or stuffed animal.

Leia enjoys outings to the park with her humans. In the picture above, we see Leia strapped into her Sweater of Protection (which includes the String of Attachment) for safety.

In the pictures above, Leia frolics in the grass, unaware and uncaring to the dangers that lurk just 30 feet away from her.

We were not able to capture it, but a fierce chihuahua was stalking our brave little Leia all afternoon.

Being the rebellious spirit that she is, Leia feels like she can run away from her humans and scare the bejeebers out of them when she hides behind trees.

When this happens, Humans wrap her in the Blanket of Shame until she is calm enough to be let out.
One of the cutest things Leia does when she is happy is Binky. Binkies are a bunny's way of saying "Oh my goodness, I have never been more happy about anything in my life!"

Leia has never been captured in the act of binkying but she does it quite often.
 To conclude, it is important we look inside the mind of this marvelous creature.

The picture below depicts how Leia feels about everyone and herself.

Her grandiose sense of worth has led her to believe that her humans are her own personal slaves, and must make her yummy salads whenever she wishes.

No matter how full of herself Leia might be sometimes and no matter how badly she might misbehave, she can always be certain that her humans will always be there to feed and love her.

And make her into a bunny burrito.

"Hey Leia! Look Over Here"

"Stop it, Human"