Monday, December 2, 2013


I introduce to you, dear reader: Leia in her natural habitat.

The creature sometimes enjoys pretending she is a pillow. This sometimes confuses her humans because she is soft and fluffy, much like a pillow or stuffed animal.

Leia enjoys outings to the park with her humans. In the picture above, we see Leia strapped into her Sweater of Protection (which includes the String of Attachment) for safety.

In the pictures above, Leia frolics in the grass, unaware and uncaring to the dangers that lurk just 30 feet away from her.

We were not able to capture it, but a fierce chihuahua was stalking our brave little Leia all afternoon.

Being the rebellious spirit that she is, Leia feels like she can run away from her humans and scare the bejeebers out of them when she hides behind trees.

When this happens, Humans wrap her in the Blanket of Shame until she is calm enough to be let out.
One of the cutest things Leia does when she is happy is Binky. Binkies are a bunny's way of saying "Oh my goodness, I have never been more happy about anything in my life!"

Leia has never been captured in the act of binkying but she does it quite often.
 To conclude, it is important we look inside the mind of this marvelous creature.

The picture below depicts how Leia feels about everyone and herself.

Her grandiose sense of worth has led her to believe that her humans are her own personal slaves, and must make her yummy salads whenever she wishes.

No matter how full of herself Leia might be sometimes and no matter how badly she might misbehave, she can always be certain that her humans will always be there to feed and love her.

And make her into a bunny burrito.

"Hey Leia! Look Over Here"

"Stop it, Human"

1 comment:

  1. Leila is so cute! I want a bunny but my mother will not let me get one :(( i would definitely get one if i could though!
